Friday 10 September 2010

Website Updates!

The Chawton Athletic Football Club blog has expanded... it's now a full-on website.

Blogmaster Wulfy has been hard at work adding extra pages to ensure everything Chawton is in one place!  The breakdown of the extra pages are as follows:

CLUB INFO contains details of our pitch and team colours, as well as who runs the club and how to contact them!
FIXTURES AND RESULTS, obviously, contains all Chawton's upcoming matches and well as all prior results, including scorers of Athletic's goals.
TABLE simply has the league table, updated as often as possible - depending on how often the League's website is.  This can be time consuming, so please be patient with this feature!
SQUAD STATS AND INFO will have details of players, positions, appearances, goals and man of the match awards.
SPONSORS will have details of the Club's sponsors, as and when they appear.  Although the main Club sponsors will have a prominent spot on the main page!
OTHER LINKS contains other links of interest.  These currently include the league's site, various football associations and any other sites that may be of interest, including the blogmaster's personal site (shameless plug!).

Match Reports, as last Sunday's friendly one was, will continue to be included on the main blog, which is now headed NEWS.  This will also have photos and any other club news that arises!

Also, a new logo is in the offing.  A draft version has been created by Marc, and is in post-production to tidy it up.  It is hoped that it can be used for any club clothing in the future, including the hoodies the Club currently has.

Finally, anybody that wants blog updates automatically, email me at and I'll add you to the list.  It can only have a certain amount... first come first served!

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